Montag, 26. Januar 2015


I didn't post anything last week because I was very busy. I went to an Anti-Pegida march on Monday, on Tuesday we had our monthly get-together with friends and on Friday I finally started playing RPGs again. Hurray! We have begun playing a very long campaign ("Die Bestie", a "Call of Cthulhu" campaign) and I hope that we will be able to finish it. A few years ago I played the "Masks of Nyalathotep" campaign and I'm still proud of it.
The rest of the time I spent in fron of the TV, playing FarCry 4. I am not a gamer, but once or twice a year I find a game I really enjoy and then I tend to binge-play. So now I am tired, the kitchen is a mess and I guess I should go to bed early today instead of trying to liberate another area of Kyrat...

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