Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

Things I love in December

I stole the idea for this post from the wonderful Bronwen's Blog "Teaparties and Fairytales"...

This is an online book club, but they also publish great podcasts and videos which focus on fantasy and science fiction literature. I really enjoy following the online discussions about books and I am trying to read their "book of the month".

2. My Kindle
In spring I have moved and after having carried about 800 books to the fourth floor my enthusiam for the printed word has somewhat vanished. A few weeks ago I bought a kindle and although I feel a bit guilty because I don't support the local bookstores anymore, I am very happy with my e-reader. It has already saved me from having four more books on my shelf.

3. Watching The Sopranos
Work is really exhausting at the moment and the weather does not encourage me to go outside in the evening. Watching The Sopranos is therefore what I do after work. It helps me to relax, is not too difficult to follow and I still get the feeling that I am working to fill a gap in pop-culture knowledge.

4. "Les Petit Marseillais" - Shower Gel
My parents went to Paris last week and I asked them to bring me some shower gel by "Les Petit Marseillais". As always, they were a bit too motivated and I won't have to buy any shower gel until summer I guess.

5. Six-Ply Sock Wool
It makes knitting socks so much faster, I almost can't believe how quickly I can finish a pair of socks with this thick yarn. Especially useful to make a Christmas present in a hurry.

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