Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

New Edge

I like knitting socks and I like colourful yarn. Usually this is a good combination because... - yes, because I can use colourful yarn to knit socks. But sometimes there are gorgeous yarns that are unsuitable for socks. "Schoppel Zauberball" is an example for that. The yarn is really wonderful but although it has the right weight it is not really good for knitting footwear. The quality is just not sturdy enough. Thus I have used my two Zauberballs ("Wurzelsepp" and "Schokoladenseite") to knit a scarf instead. The pattern is "New Edge", which I found on Ravelry, and it is quite easy to knit.
 Below you can see the eyelet-pattern, which is one of my favourite design elements in knitting.

And you can even use it to disguise yourself...

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