23rd of January to 24th of February
I didn't really watch a lot of movies in the past few weeks, because I started a re-watch of "Sons of Anarchy". Moreover, I finished the second season of "Penny Dreadful" which I didn't like as much as the first one, but it still looks gorgeous. I also re-watched "The Shining" and "John Wick". The first one is - in my opinion - overrated and just a bad movie, the second one is one of my favourite action movies.
"Cold Prey": A Norwegian slasher movie. I really like slashers - I like most formulaic genres since I really admire the craft of obeying to rules and conventions while still being entertaining - and this was a good one. The characters were so likeable that I was really sorry to see them die, so it wasn't as much fun as other slashers. However, the music for the end credits was "All My Friends Are Dead" by Turbonegro, so it must be an awesome movie!
"Gasland": A documentary that made me really angry about these people who just take whatever they want and destroy it.
"The Hateful Eight": It was a huge disappointment. Usually, I love Tarantino, especially "Jackie Brown" and "Reservoir Dogs", but this was just too long, boring and unneccessary violent. (Based on my watchlist, you might realize that I don't have any problem with violent films per se, but this was unpleasant and unentertaining.)
"Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson: The first part of a trilogy. I have almost finished the second volume, but I won't write about it until I read the last book as well.
Again, no games.
Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016
Freitag, 22. Januar 2016
Consumed in 2016 Part I
From now on, I will try to keep a list of things I read, watched, listened to or played. I have the strong hope that this will help me to keep track of how much I actually consume, because I often get the nagging fear that I miss too much, while I am at the same time pretty sure that I devour a huge amount of movies, books, TV shows and other media products. Moreover, I always want to compile a "Favourite.."-list at the end of the year, only to realize that I can't remember enough things to put on a list with ten or more items and still have enough titles left to keep some out. And what is the point of making a list when you simply put everything on it?
Anyway, here we go:
1st to 22nd of January 2016
James Anderson: "The Affair of the Mutilated Mink" (An entertaining, very traditional Whodunnit. Fun)
Kim Newman: "The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School" (I love Kim Newman. If I were queen, he would be my poet laureate. The book is wonderful, I hope he writes more about the adventures of the Moth Club.)
"Lovely Molly" (A movie that puzzled but neither frightened nor disturbed me. While looking for some discussions of the plot on the internet, I found the awesome "Dark Discussions"-podcast.)
"We're Still Here" (A good ghost story with some interesting ideas for a LARP-plot.)
"The Gallows" (Just terrible, I regret I paid for it because I worry that this might encourage them to make a sequal.)
"Horns" (Big disappointment.)
"Unknown User" (Exciting idea, very solid and sometimes actually scary.)
"Tales of Halloween" (So much fun!!!)
"Exists" (Bigfoot hunts teenagers who accidentally hit him with their car. Encourages me to drive much more carefully.)
"Bone Tomahawk" (I really loved the first hour which was a straight Western. During the last thirty minutes I had a whisky to help stomaching the violence, but even that I liked.)
I didn't play any video games because somehow they do not really interest me at the moment, but as you can see I watched a lot of movies, which were almost exclusively horror movies. No TV shows either, only a couple of episodes of "The Mentalist", but there isn't anything interesting for me on Netflix at the moment.
Anyway, here we go:
1st to 22nd of January 2016
James Anderson: "The Affair of the Mutilated Mink" (An entertaining, very traditional Whodunnit. Fun)
Kim Newman: "The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School" (I love Kim Newman. If I were queen, he would be my poet laureate. The book is wonderful, I hope he writes more about the adventures of the Moth Club.)
"Lovely Molly" (A movie that puzzled but neither frightened nor disturbed me. While looking for some discussions of the plot on the internet, I found the awesome "Dark Discussions"-podcast.)
"We're Still Here" (A good ghost story with some interesting ideas for a LARP-plot.)
"The Gallows" (Just terrible, I regret I paid for it because I worry that this might encourage them to make a sequal.)
"Horns" (Big disappointment.)
"Unknown User" (Exciting idea, very solid and sometimes actually scary.)
"Tales of Halloween" (So much fun!!!)
"Exists" (Bigfoot hunts teenagers who accidentally hit him with their car. Encourages me to drive much more carefully.)
"Bone Tomahawk" (I really loved the first hour which was a straight Western. During the last thirty minutes I had a whisky to help stomaching the violence, but even that I liked.)
I didn't play any video games because somehow they do not really interest me at the moment, but as you can see I watched a lot of movies, which were almost exclusively horror movies. No TV shows either, only a couple of episodes of "The Mentalist", but there isn't anything interesting for me on Netflix at the moment.
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